Posted on 08 Feb 2017

Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS) examination in Birmingham

For the very first time since 1996 and for the convenience of EMWA members attending the May 2017 Conference in Birmingham, the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS) is planning to hold its examination in Birmingham on the day before the conference is due to start (May 2, 2017 at 12:00 at the Royal Angus Hotel about 1 mile from the ICC). The exam is offered world-wide and tests proficiency in all aspects of manuscript editing. Candidates who pass this certification exam are allowed to use the credentials “ELS” after their names (Editor in the Life Sciences).

Delegates wishing to register for the BELS exam should contact BELS via Delegates should note that while EMWA and BELS are co-ordinating the timing of these events, the BELS examination is a separate event, and not part of the EMWA conference. EMWA accepts no liability arising from registration for, conduct of, or potential cancellation of the BELS examination event, and is not able to provide assistance with BELS registration, or authorised to answer any queries regarding the BELS examination.