EMWA Webinars Programme
EMWA webinars help members to develop skills and keep up to date with new or rapidly developing areas. Most of our webinars are live, online seminars with the opportunity for participant interaction. Webinar access is reserved for EMWA members only and requires registration.
Upcoming 2024 webinars
September 19th, 13:00 CEST
Effective Writing Tips from Narrative Writing
Ben Riggs
Storytelling—namely, true storytelling—is as instinctual as the flight-or-flight reflex. And it’s a means of communication we’ve used, nuanced, and applied to nearly every mechanism and mode of human improvement and innovation. There are lessons to be learned still from the world of true storytelling and applied to different forms of nonfiction writing, including medical writing.
Level: Foundational and intermediate
Previous knowledge required: Participants are encouraged to read their favourite short stories as well as essays and feature articles.
A recommended website to review various resources is the Neiman Storyboard, part of the Neiman Foundation at Harvard—particularly a series by journalist Lauren Kessler on the elements of narrative: Element 1; Element 2; Element 3; Element 4. As time allows, read anything by Tampa Bay Times journalist Lane DeGregory.
To register please click here.
October 24th, 13:00 CEST
European Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 and the new documents introduced: How can AI facilitate the workload of medical writers?
Anita Kociaj, PhD and Kathi Künnemann, PhD.
European Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 became effective on 31 January 2022 and regulates the authorization and conduct of clinical trials in the European Union (EU). The Regulation enables sponsors to submit one online application via a single online platform known as the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) for approval to run a clinical trial in several European countries, making it more efficient to carry out multinational trials. Its implementation affects medical writers, since new documents are required to be submitted.
This webinar will:
- Introduce The European Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014
- Introduce clinical trial documents required to submit a Clinical Trial Application in the Clinical Trial Information System
- Explain the revised European Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 transparency rules and showcase our experience with it
- Outline the public facing documents introduced with the new regulation, such as the lay protocol synopsis and lay summary of results
- Showcase how artificial intelligence can assist in reducing the time required to prepare the lay protocol synopsis and lay summary of results
Level: Intermediate
Previous knowledge required: basic understanding of the documents required in clinical research.
Suggested reading:
- European Clinical Trial Regulation
- Revised Transparency Rules
- Revised CTIS transparency rules and historical trials: quick guide for users
- Clinical Trials Information System
- Medical Writing | Clinical Trials | The Lay Protocol Synopsis: Requirements and feasibility (emwa.org)
- Summaries of Clinical Trial Results for Laypersons
- Good lay summary practice guide
- Plain Language guide to write a brief summary (ct.gov)
- European Union Artificial intelligence act, summary
To register please click here.
Please note: We reserve the right to cancel a webinar if needed, although we will make all effort to avoid it. Also, we make every effort to ensure we have a stable internet connection to run EMWA webinars, but it is not possible to provide a 100% stable connection. If for any reason, the presentation has to be cancelled by the organiser, a notification email will be sent as soon as possible.
Past 2024 webinars
Patient Advocates: The Newest Stakeholders (July 2024)
To view the webinar please click here.
Freelancing – the “A to Z” – my experiences (June 2024)
To view the webinar please click here.
Securing Medical Writing: Navigating Data Confidentiality with AI Innovations (Apr 2024)
To view the webinar please click here.
Successful implementation and development of lay protocol synopses (Mar 2024)
To view the webinar please click here.
Post Market Clinical Follow Up (PMCF) Surveys: from plan to action? (Feb 2024)
To view the webinar please click here.
Informing patients and the public about clinical trials and their results (Jan 2024)
To view the webinar please click here.
See Past Webinars
View Past Webinars (Member log-in required)
Live webinars are recorded and uploaded to the Webinar Archive soon after the event. The Webinar Archive is only accessible to EMWA members.
Each year we run a few webinars that are publicly available.
Meet the EMWA webinar team
Johanna Chester: Co-Webinar Lead
Diana Ribeiro: Co-Webinar Lead
Paul Wafula: Webinar Reporting
Tania M. Puvirajesingh: Webinar Communications
Johanna Chester and Diana Ribeiro are the EPDC members responsible for webinars. With the support of the webinar team, Johanna and Diana lead, plan and promote the programme, help presenters to prepare for their webinars, provides quality assurance, and moderate the live webinars. Tania Puvirajesingh prepares webinar external communications and Paul Wafula analyses the webinar metrics for feedback and quality control.
Please email the webinar team with any questions or accessibility concerns.
If you think you have something interesting to communicate to other EMWA members and are eager to run a webinar of your own, contact the webinar team. Your proposal will be evaluated by the webinars team and the EPDC and we will provide our feedback as soon as possible.