
In this section, you can find our Freelance Directory. Once logged in, freelancers can access the wealth of knowledge contained in the Freelance Resource Centre, including association membership offers in the UK and Germany.

The webinar below, by Satyen Shenoy (former Chair of the Freelance Business Group Subcommittee), presents an overview of EMWA's outreach activities and resources for freelance members (published 2018).



You can also read the latest Freelance Business Forum Report which answers many of the questions raised by members at the EMWA Spring and Autumn conferences. The Report covers the topics discussed during the EMWA virtual meeting in November 2020. To continue with traditions from the face to face meetings, the forum consisted of a presentation from Laura A Kehoe, a guest speaker Shaun W Foley, and virtual breakout room discussion groups.

If you would like to ask any questions regarding freelancing as a medical writer, email any of the subcommittee members listed below who will respond to your queries and point you in the right direction.

Laura Kehoe (Chair & Editor, OOOO section of Medical Writing)  |  Diana Ribeiro  |  Mariana Rickmann  |  Irene Farré  |  Sonia Costa

Freelance Directory