What is a Local EMWA Group (LEGs)?

Welcome to Local EMWA Groups (LEGs)!


At LEGs, we're all about bringing together medical writers in European countries or specific regions to connect, share insights, and enhance our profession. LEGs serve as hubs for local networking, discussions, and the exchange of best practices, all in a language that suits you best.


What can you expect from LEGs?


  • Local Networking: Connect with fellow EMWA members in your area to build valuable professional relationships.
  • Discussions: Engage in meaningful conversations about medical writing tailored to your country's context.
  • Information sharing: Stay updated on the latest industry trends, guidelines, and opportunities relevant to your region.
  • Best practices: Learn from each other and disseminate best practices to elevate the standard of medical writing locally.


Who can join LEGs?


All EMWA members are welcome! Whether you're a seasoned medical writer or just starting out, LEGs provide a platform for sharing expertise, addressing local needs, and making EMWA more appealing to aspiring medical writers.


Thinking of starting a LEG in your country?


If there isn't already a LEG in your area, you can propose and initiate one! Simply reach out to EMWA Head Office with your proposal, detailing your objectives, planned activities, and how you envision contributing to the local medical writing community.




  1. Budget management: LEGs have autonomy over their allocated budget, no need for prior approval.
  2. Promoting interest: if you are considering finding out about the interest of a LEG in your country, you can leverage social media, but only official LEGs can use the EMWA LEG logo for promotion.
  3. Membership: LEG meetings are for EMWA members, but there's flexibility to invite non-members to encourage EMWA membership.
  4. One LEG per Country: LEGs are unique to each country or region to ensure focused local engagement.


Ready to dive into your local medical writing community? Join a LEG today and be part of the conversation!

Local EMWA Groups



How to start a Local Group

Please refer to the LEG guidelines.

Contact secretariat@emwa.org for further details.