51st EMWA Conference - Registration for our virtual event is now open!
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 51st EMWA Conference which will be held virtually.
Please click here to be redirected to the dedicated conference website where you will find full details of the programme along with an FAQ area to answer any questions you may have about the format of this event. Please note all timings on the website are in Central European Time.
In order to register please click the ‘conference registration’ button on the website and follow instructions.
If you cannot remember your username and password for this database, please use the forgotten username or password link to recover your details.
Book early to secure the workshop places of your choice!
Don’t forget, if you register for any for-credit workshops, you will need to download the pre-workshop assignment from the dedicated conference website.
Please pass this information on to colleagues and friends who may be interested in attending.
We look forward to seeing you virtually in May.
Kind regards,
The EMWA Conference Team