Pharmacovigilance Special Interest Group

PV SIG objectives

The PV SIG aims to bring together EMWA members to discuss and share information and best practice in the area of PV and PV writing via the journal, website, and events at conferences.

The group aims to increase dialogue within and between the medical writing community and the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) and acts as a resource for medical writers interested in the area of PV by posting guidance and updates to guidance as appropriate.

They liaise with the EMWA Professional Development Committee to advise on additional training for EMWA members in the field of PV writing and PV. 

PV SIG info material 

PV SIG launch video (Lisa Chamberlain James; November 2015)

PV SIG webinar (Tiziana von Bruchhausen & Lisa Chamberlain James; 20 Apr 2018)

Regular activities

The activities of the EMWA's PV SIG range from developing conference workshops, Expert Seminars (ESS) sessions, and webinars, to contributing to journal articles and monthly newsblast sections. The PV SIG aims to update EMWA members and to address the following training needs and issues:

 Learn how to apply regulatory guidelines to the preparation of safety documents such as DSUR, PSUR, and RMP

 Update EMWA members about relevant regulatory news and guidelines of relevance for pharmacovigilance writers

 Establish a dialogue with health authorities and other stakeholders

Promote the role of professional medical writers in pharmacovigilance

Facilitate dialogue between regulators and EMWA members, particularly in the area of pharmacovigilance, by having authority speakers at EMWA conferences

Discussion platforms (Meet&Share) targeting EMWA members working or being interested in PV will be held regularly and advertised in the monthly newsblast.

The PV SIG launched a section dedicated to pharmacovigilance in the Medical Writing journal

Future events

Keep an eye out for our future events.

How to contribute to the PV SIG

You are warmly invited to provide updates for the news blast or suggestions for workshops or expert seminars, to write an article or to develop a workshop on pharmacovigilance topics. Please send us your suggestions in an e-mail to and indicate "For PV SIG" in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!